Monday, May 13, 2024
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Dardis: Funerealism

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Artist: Dardis (@)
Title: Funerealism
Format: CD
Label: Inner Demons Records
Rated: * * * * *
Dardis is the ambient and experimental sound project for Northern Irish writer, editor and sound artist Colin Dardis. The Bandcamp page describes it as "relative depressions in sound." I was unfamiliar with this artist, but the liner notes state, "The piece itself feels alive, autonomous, pulling its creator into directions, ideas and suggestions that we don’t fully understand, aren’t fully aware of at the time. Do any of us truly know where all our ideas come from? And wherever that is, once removed from its original birthplace, does an idea then stay the same?" There are ruminations on life and death that define Funerealism that set the stage for the music.

This disc consists of four tracks, simply titled Funerealism Part 1 through Funerealism part 4. These are heavy ambient tracks that layer heavy bass drone and rumble with lilting, delicate synth work over the top. Things move slowly, but deliberately. Bits and pieces of the composition emerge, only to disappear under the sea of drone again and again. In short, this is lovely ambient music to slowly sink into.

If you are expecting the harsh noise that Inner Demons is often known for, you will not find it here. Short of a bit of rumbling bass in the tracks overall and some hiss and crackle in Part 3, there is little that can be called noisy. But this is quite nice and well worth checking out of you like droning ambient. This album weighs in at around 47 minutes.



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