Monday, May 13, 2024
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WERL3: s/t

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Artist: WERL3
Title: s/t
Format: LP
Label: Midira Records (
“WERL3” is a recording of a one-off improvised set with Gareth Davis joining the regular WERL duo of Aidan Baker and Tomas JÄrmyr. It was recorded in the Christuskirche Bochum, as part of 2019’s Moving Noises Festival, but the sonic quality of it is so spotless that it certainly has all the tonal qualities of a studio recording.

After an initial ten minutes of more-or-less calm with soporific warm drone, the first part gradually builds up a sense of jungle adventure, and in turn, jungle danger- the clarinet at times sounding like distant animal calls, and the drums becoming more tribal. The third instrument of the trio is a guitar, though it’s largely so heavily effected and experimentally played that at times it is hard to recognise. This jungle-like business falls away towards the end of part one into a more open space, where the tone and texture of some of the instruments and in particular the echoing effects can be better appreciated.

This flows unbroken into part two, which is a marginally more tempered and structured affair. The clarinet edges into the foreground, politely, and a marginally more avantgarde jazz flavour is attained. As in the first part there is a gradual build, a gradual weathering increase in the frequency and menace of the drums, but the clarinet sails over it somewhat unaffected, lost in its own little world almost.

For a completely improvised live performance, the innate sense of shared expression on show here is extremely impressive. Whilst some my find it a little on the undramatic side, it is a rather entrancing experience and it would undoubtedly have been captivating to watch live.


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