Sunday, May 12, 2024
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Gintas K: Sound & Spaces

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Artist: Gintas K
Title: Sound & Spaces
Format: Tape & Digital Download
Label: Powdered Hearts
There’s something consciously small about the tone of established Lithuanian sound artist Gintas K’s work in “Sound & Spaces”, which was recorded in one take with no overdubbing, using just “a computer”, MIDI keyboard and controller. Obviously “a computer” can mean almost anything nowadays and almost any genre can be created using one, but the sounds created here are largely throwbacks to what people would think of as computer sounds in the 1970’s- lots of dot-matrix-printer-esque whirring, curt bleeps and beeps. This is layered up live predominantly driven by contrasts, such as in the first numbered piece where a steady rhythmic motor sound is pulled against sporadic and impulsive heavy glitching. The fourth part broadens the contrast further, with high watery bubbly notes in opposition to deep, toothy synthetic bass impulses that sometimes sound (and not in a bad way) like a broken hedge trimmer. The contrast between chaos and calm is also present in reasonable abundance- part five is frantic and disorientating, others less so. Piece 6 manages to contain both. It’s a 41-minute audio bath with a certain amount of abrasion, and at times, a feeling of randomness rather than improvisation. But it’s a rich abstraction of sound that enjoyers of a difficult listen will emerge from smiling at the end.


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